Herron Mills


Photo of house
The one-time sawyer’s house
©Jeri Danyleyko

Herron Mills, located in Lanark County, was first settled around 1840 by John Gillies, a future industrialist. Gillies began with a house, dam, and small sawmill that only operated during the summer. However he was ambitious and energetic. In similar fashion, he gradually expanded the site to include grist, oatmeal, woollen and carding mills.

Despite the success of the mills, Gillies sold the entire operation to the Herron brothers in 1871. On the positive side, they quickly added a bake house, shingle mill and outbuildings for the workers. In addition, John Monroe established a tannery on site. The brothers added a post office in 1891 and a school shortly after that.

Herron Mills thrived for many years until the advent of the great depression in the 1930s. As a result, a number of mills shut down by the early 40s. The sawmill operated sporadically until 1951, when it permanently shut down.

Accordingly, Herron Mills gradually fell into ruin and remained that way for many years. A number of years ago, a family purchased the entire site. The plan was to rebuild the property for other uses. Learn More

The remaining Herron Mills buildings are located on privately owned property. Structurally they are unstable and dangerous. DO NOT explore the area unless you have permission from the owners. Otherwise you could be leaving yourself open to charges of trespassing.

How to get there

Herron Mills is just off Highway 511 on Regional Rd. 8, just north of Clydesville in Lanark County. As you turn east on Regional Rd. 8, you will be facing the Herron Mills bridge. Please stay off the property. There is plenty that can be viewed from the roadside.

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Nearby centre: Lanark Village, 6 kilometres

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