Vennachar and GlenfieldPhotosThe former Methodist/United Church provided services for 100 years. The building has been restored.©Jeri DanyleykoChurch sign and notation that the church survived the 1903 fire©Jeri DanyleykoThe unusual church steeple topped with wood shakes©Jeri DanyleykoA look down the road towards the former general store©Jeri DanyleykoSmall business selling odds and ends©Jeri DanyleykoThe former general store©Jeri DanyleykoPorch for the former general store©Jeri DanyleykoThe Gl;enfield Cemetery©Jeri DanyleykoThe Glenfield Cemetery©Jeri DanyleykoJacob Snider's tombstone in the Glenfield Cemetery©Jeri DanyleykoThe Glenfield Cemetery©Jeri DanyleykoThe Glenfield Cemetery©Jeri DanyleykoA log barn not far from the cemetery©Jeri DanyleykoSmall scale logging continues to take place in Glenfield©Jeri Danyleyko