Traverston, originally known as Waverly, began as a milling community in the mid-1850s. The original plan called for two mills and several factories, however the factories were never built.
Traverston’s mills prospered for a number of years. The community grew to include a store, blacksmith, and post office.
Unfortunately Traverston was among a number of small milling and industrial centres that were bypassed by the railways. Without access to transportation, Traverston was unable to compete and the mills eventually fell silent.
Today Traverston still contains a number of original buildings. The mill has been beautifully restored and is now used as a private home. Learn more
How to get there
Traverston is located in Grey County about 9 kilometres west of Markdale on Traverston Road. Watch for the signs! The roads are well marked.
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Nearby centre: Markdale 10 kilometres and Durham 12 kilometres
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