RokebyPhotosRenovated older building, now a private home©Jeri DanyleykoTwo structures from Rokeby's early days©Jeri DanyleykoAn abandoned building©Jeri DanyleykoEntranceway to the former site of the Anglican Church©Jeri DanyleykoFoundation from the church©Jeri DanyleykoThe abandoned Anglican cemetery©Jeri DanyleykoBroken tombstone in the abandoned cemetery©Jeri DanyleykoBroken tombstone©Jeri DanyleykoAbandoned Anglican cemetery©Jeri DanyleykoThe Anglican cemetery©Jeri DanyleykoThe Anglican cemetery©Jeri DanyleykoRuins in the Anglican cemetery©Jeri DanyleykoTombstone from a small group located just outside the cemetery. Possibly a family plot.©Jeri Danyleyko