

Photo of tombstone
John Enns’ tombstone. He was the schoolteacher.
©lJeri Danyleyko

Reesor, located in Cochrane District, was first settled around 1925. First established as a small community for Mennonite refugees from Europe, its name came from Thomas Reesor, a Mennonite minister, who was both their benefactor and sponsor.

Besides the Mennonites, the area was also home to a small number of French Canadians. The two groups formed a council of sorts.

By the 1930s, Reesor included a school, freight station, a store, lumber yard, blacksmith shop, garage, and pool hall. They added a Mennonite Church and cemetery in 1932. At its peak, Reesor contained over 100 residents, and supported an additional 100 residents from the surrounding farmlands.

Reesor continued to thrive and grow throughout the depression. Ironically its decline didn’t begin until the 1940s, when businesses gradually began to trickle away. The downward slide continued throughout the 50s and 60s.

Reesor lasted until the 1970s. By then all the businesses and many of the farms were gone. Today all that remains are a few ruins, a handful of newer homes, and the cemetery, which still sees regular maintenance. Learn more

How to get there!

Reesor lies on the north side of Highway 11 in Cochrane Region, 2 kilometres west of the Reesor Siding monument. It lies 11 kilometres east of Mattice on Hwy 11, or approximately 60 kilometres west of Kapuskasing, also on Hwy 11.

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Nearby centre: Mattice, 11 kilometres

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