
©Yvan Charbonneau
Osaquan was a lumber community and company town founded around the Indian Lake Lumber Company, established in 1909.
Osaquan was a bush community and transportation was very poor. The 10 kilometre road trip from Ignace took about 40 minutes. As a result, the community became highly self sufficient. They established a vegetable garden, small pig farm and even obtained a commercial fishery licence.
In addition to the lumbering operation, mills and the commercial ventures, the townsite included a bunk house, dwellings for the employees, a cook house, blacksmith shop and company store, reportedly very well stocked. They transported the lumber along a spur line that connected to the main CPR rail line.
Overall the company ran the mill well, however as with most lumber mills, there were always setbacks. These included floods and two fires, one in 1911 and another in 1915. In the early 1920s they upgraded the mill and added a schoolhouse.
The community thrived until 1930 when the mill sustained serious damage from a forest fire. Rebuilding during the height of the depression was not an option. By the mid 1930s, the community was largely abandoned. They later salvaged or burnt down many of the buildings. Learn more
How to get there
Osaquan can be found just west of Ignace in the Kenora District. When in Ignace, ask for directions to Indian Lake. See the detailed map for more information
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