Mount Hope


Photo of house
An abandoned farmhouse
©Jeri Danyleyko

Mount Hope, located in Bruce County, was a small farming hamlet. Do not confuse this small community with Mount Hope, a section of the city of Hamilton which is far more well-known.

Mount Hope first came to life in the mid-1850s, with the opening of the Queen’s Bush territory in southwest Ontario. First established were an early Methodist church and school. A post office, operating from 1894 to 1913, followed.

Other than farm-based industries, there was very little commercial activity in Mount Hope. Among its offerings were a cheese factory, blacksmith and several carpenters. Activities during the 20th century primarily took place around the church and school. The church was on the same circuit as Arkwright and Ebenezer. A Women’s Institute formed in the mid-1950s.

All that remains of Mount Hope today are a number of farm buildings, the school, now a private home and the Mount Hope United Church and cemetery. The church continues to remain active. Learn more

How to get there

The Mount Hope United Church and cemetery are located on Bruce County Concession Road 2 and Sideroad 10S in Arran Township.

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Nearby centre: Tara, 10 kilometres

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