

Photo of town view
The Maybrook townsite
©Yvan Charbonneau

Maybrook was first conceived as a potential divisional point on the Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Railway (later ONR). The railway built a flag station and established a town plan, however things fell through when the railway settled instead on Englehart, located just over 9 kilometres north.

In the meantime a small farming settlement was established at Maybrook. The community contained a post office and blacksmith and a sawmill.

Much of Maybrook was destroyed during the horrific fire that devastated a large portion of the northeast in 1922. The small railway station lasted until the 1950s.

Over the years the population gradually dispersed and the area has now reverted to farmland. A sign marks the location where the townsite once stood. Learn more

How to get there

Maybrook lies in Temiskaming Region. Drive to Maybrook Rd. which is about 10 kilometres north of New Liskeard on Highway 11 north. Turn left and travel to the the ONR crossing where you’ll see a sign that proclaims “Maybrook, Station PO, 1904.”

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Nearby centre: New Liskeard, 10 kilometres

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