MarlbankPhotos of Other Buildings and Small StructuresFoundation and debris©Susan FosterAssorted debris©Susan FosterWood pile with one of the few buildings that's still standing in the back©Susan FosterAnother view of the same structure with its numerous patch jobs©Jeri DanyleykoAnother building that's reasonably intact©Jeri DanyleykoThe durable metal roof may have helped save this building.©Jeri DanyleykoAnother of the few buildings that are still standing©Jeri DanyleykoWall with a simple message©Jeri DanyleykoCrumbling chimney©Jeri DanyleykoRuins of the Marlbank plant©Jeri DanyleykoRuins of the Marlbank plant©Jeri DanyleykoThere are several groups of silos clustered together.©Susan FosterRuins of the Marlbank plant©Jeri DanyleykoRuins of the Marlbank plant©Jeri DanyleykoRuins of the Marlbank plant©Jeri DanyleykoRuins of the Marlbank plant©Jeri Danyleyko