Helen MinePhotosA beautiful panorama of the Helen Mine©Dave DyetRoad to the former mine site©Yvan CharbonneauRemains of the earlier mine site©Yvan CharbonneauView of the mine site©Yvan CharbonneauThe mine©Yvan CharbonneauRemains at the mine site©Yvan CharbonneauRemains of a tramway©Yvan CharbonneauRemains at the mine site©Yvan CharbonneauTipple Foundations©Yvan CharbonneauSecondary mine site©Yvan CharbonneauA former production shaft©Yvan CharbonneauA former production shaft©Yvan CharbonneauNo. 3 shaft©Yvan CharbonneauWhite shaft©Yvan CharbonneauOpening to the mine©Yvan CharbonneauFire hydrant©Yvan CharbonneauWater tower foundations©Yvan CharbonneauRoad leading to the management town site©Yvan CharbonneauFormer management home©Yvan CharbonneauMaintenance shed©Yvan CharbonneauRoad to the management townsite©Yvan CharbonneauUnderground workings from the original mine©Yvan CharbonneauLooking down towards the open pit from the original mine©Yvan Charbonneau