GreenockPhotosAn early view of the Hawthorne estate. The spelling of Hawthorn is uncertain.Copyright/Reproduced courtesy of Rare Books and Special Collections Division,McGill UniversityAn early view of Greenock. None of these buildings are still standing.A Pictorial History of Bruce CountyThe Presbyterian ChurchA Pictorial History of Bruce CountyThe Methodist ChurchGreenock Township historySamuel Hawthorne, ca. 1920Greenock Township historyAn undated class photo in from of U.S.S. #1Greenock Township historyThe excavation crew for the separate schoolGreenock Township historyThe separate school in GreenockGreenock Township historyA class photo at the separate school in 1929.Greenock Township historyHistorical plaque near the pioneer cemetery©Jeri DanyleykoThe pioneer cemetery is attractively laid out.©Jeri DanyleykoElizabeth Hawthorn, daughter of Hance and sister of Samuel.©Jeri DanyleykoTombstones©Jeri DanyleykoTombstones©Jeri DanyleykoTombstones©Jeri DanyleykoTombstones©Jeri DanyleykoTombstones©Jeri DanyleykoTombstones©Jeri DanyleykoTombstones©Jeri Danyleyko