Grafton Station


Photo of building
Former cannery building
©Jeri Danyleyko

Grafton Station was a small station village and company town located just south of the village of Grafton. It was first established in 1904 after the Canadian Northern Railway established a line in Southeast Ontario.

Shortly after the railway arrived, the Canada Canning Company opened a plant alongside the tracks, followed by a small company town.

Canada Canning was a major employer in the town of Grafton and the surrounding area for close to 50 years. The facility included a couple of large factories, worker’s cabins, a bunkhouse and manager’s house.

Today the area, although still somewhat separated from Grafton, is slowly being encroached by new development. A couple of the old factory buildings are still standing, but the worker’s cottages and manager’s house, that were still standing in the late 1990s, have disappeared. The area still contains a large number of foundations. Learn more

How to get there

Grafton Station is now part of the historic village of Grafton in Northumberland County. Take County Rd. 23 (Exit 487 if you’re travelling on Highway 401) to the village of Grafton. In Grafton, follow Old Danforth Rd. south 1 kilometre until you reach Cannery Rd. Turn Left on Cannery Rd. and you will be at the site of the old cannery and worker’s village.

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Nearby centre: Grafton, less than 1 kilometre

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