Cordova Mines
Out of all the Hastings gold rush communities, Cordova Mines is probably the most well-known. Gold production was by far the main commodity although silver was also available in lesser amounts. The mines operated on and off over a 50-year period, producing more than 22,000 ounces of gold.
The history of Cordova Mines began in the mid-1860s. According to legend, a young town clerk and part time prospector, named Marcus Powell, discovered a cave where gold appeared to be gleaming from the walls. Powell was a well-known figure, previously associated with the Eldorado gold find.
Once word got out the area, not surprisingly, boomed overnight. Unfortunately for the wealth seekers, the boom quickly turned to bust. As it turned out, the gold was difficult and costly to mine. Eventually Powell settled in Malone where he ran the post office for a number of years.
Despite the mine’s lack of success, a number of people remained in the area. By 1880 David Vansickle was operating a general store and post office, then known as Wariston. Other businesses slowly began to set up shop. These included a cheese factory operated by J.I. Cook, and a carriage and agricultural implements business run by James Allen. By 1886, the hamlet had grown to contain two churches, Methodist and Episcopal, and a school. Allen took over from Vansickle as postmaster in 1886. During those early days, the hamlet’s population was pegged at around 50.
As the technology improved, so did mining production. By the 1890s the mines were in full operation. The Belmont mine was easily the most lucrative and accounted for most of the output.
H. Strickland had discovered the Belmont Mine in 1891. He, in turn, he sold it to A.W. Carcallen of Marmora. Then it changed hands once again. A British company, the Cordova Exploration Company, purchased the mine in 1897. They hastily added a 10-stamp mill, air compressor and began production.
At first the company was more than pleased with the output and quality of the ore. By 1900 they were ready to expand. In order to move on to the next phase, the company constructed an even larger plant and an 80-stamp mill, measuring 175 X 90 feet and 55 feet high. One description of the mill referred to it as neatly finished, painted and well lighted. The mine reopened once again in 1901. This time the operation didn’t last long. The mine closed abruptly in 1903 for reasons that were unknown. The mine remained idle for the next eight years.
Luckily, Cordova Explorations was not the only game in town. A second mine, known as the Ledyard was conveniently located about a kilometre south of Cordova. The Ledyard used the townsite from about 1898 to 1911.
In 1910, the village’s name changed from Wariston to Cordova. By then, according to records, the population had jumped to about 200. Cordova in turn grew to include a butcher, baker, two general stores and a sawmill.
In 1911 a new company, Cordova Gold Mines Limited, decided to try their hand. Investors in Buffalo and Toronto poured $2 million in capital into this latest venture. P.P. Kirkegaard was a mining engineer who had been manager of the nearby Deloro Mines, was head of the mine. He acted as the consulting engineer for this project.
In order to attract investment, the company produced an information pamphlet, extolling the virtues of the community and its many amenities. One of their big selling points was convenient access to the Canadian Pacific Railway station and freight yards in nearby Havelock. One enthusiastic engineer even hinted the mine had the potential to produce for 50 years.
Like most mining communities, Cordova was ‘officially’ dry. The refreshment parlour served only non-alcoholic beverages. Nonetheless, it appears this restriction was fairly easy to circumvent. According to legend, there was a mobile saloon just located north of the village on the county line between Hastings and Peterborough. Despite the lack of telephones and texts, word still travelled fast in those days. Whenever the authorities approached, the call went out. The operators in turn would quickly wheel the saloon across the county line to Hastings, where there were no such restrictions and they had no legal authority,
Unfortunately for the investors and operators of Cordova Mines Limited, the engineering reports were overly optimistic. From 1911 to 1917, the total value of the gold mined amounted to a paltry $334,422. To compound matters, fire destroyed the plant in 1917. At that point the company threw in the towel and ceased operations.
The mines at Cordova remained idle for over 20 years, from 1917 to 1938. Then COMINCO (Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada) decided to give it one last run. COMINCO, now Teck Cominco Ltd., operated the mine from 1938 to 1940. The company produced about 150 tons a day, which yielded a total value of $474,548. The mines closed forever once COMINCO’s closed shop and departed. This time, the mining buildings were all dismantled. Deer Lake Fish Hatchery used the dam and raceway for many years until it closed in 1991.
The closing of Cordova Mines signalled the end of the golden age of mining in Hastings County. Today Cordova remains a small backwater village that continues to support a small population. Very few original buildings still stand. One of the general stores and a liquor store remain open. This attractive little community enjoys a boost from seasonal residents during the summer.