Henry Corby, former politician, mill and distillery owner
The Rambling River
Early directory advertisement from 1859-60
The Rambling River
The mill around 1870
The Rambling River
Another view of the mill and distillery from 1870. The small wing on the left was for barrels that were loaded for transportation to Belleville for bottling
The Rambling River
Hop pickers at Corby's farm in the 1870s.
The Rambling River
The first schoolhouse in the late 1800s
Historic Hastings
School photo with teacher Mr. Simpkins in 1900
The Rambling River
Cattle barns in 1890. The barns were home to 600 head of cattle and 300 pigs.
The Rambling River
Cannifton-Corbyille School in 1915
The Rambling River
The plant in 1913
William James Topley/Library and Archives Canada/PA-010508