

Photo of Women's Institute sign
Historical sign erected by the Women’s Institute
©Jeri Danyleyko

Cantire was a small farming hamlet in Bruce County first settled by the Taylor and Blue families. They named the community after their original home in Kintyre, Scotland.

Cantire never had a post office. However it had a school, S.S. #1, opened during the mid-1870s. In addition to regular classes, they also used the building for Grange meetings and Sunday School classes, held during the summer. There was no church and most residents worshipped in nearby Paisley. The blacksmith shop served as a gathering place of sorts where farmers could hang around and share general chit-chat.

The Cantire cheese factory operated during the 1890s. The company, which also had a branch in Williscroft, thrived until the early 1900s when the company sold it. .

By the early part of the 20th century, agricultural practices began to change. With the trend towards larger farms, the population began to disperse. The school finally closed in 1946 and was later demolished. All that remains of Cantire today is the old water pump from the school, located along the side of the highway. Learn more

How to get there

Cantire no longer appears on maps. It was located on Bruce Road 11, near Sideroad 10. Watch for the historical sign erected by the Women’s Institute. The school site is located just west of the sign.

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Nearby centre: Chesley, 5 kilometres

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