Historical Map
This map was created by the Ballycroy area residents.

- General Store, post office and hotel
- Barn and shop north of general store
- Small’s Hotel
- Fehely Hotel and saloon
- Driveshed for Fehely Hotel
- House foundation
- House foundation
- Blacksmith shop
- Liberal Church then Orange Lodge #185
- Methodist Church and Orange Lodge
- Fair grounds and race track
- Pettit cabin
- Beamish Hotel
- Beatty Mills and mill pond
- McMaster Tavern
- Henry Pettit (1856-98) farmer
- John Curran (1812-84)
- Denis Noonan (1832-80) solicitor
- John Crisp, farmer
- Brick house (built c. 1880 and still in use)
- Scott house
- Ryan Hotel
- John Curry
- Squire Wallace