
Historical Map

This map was created by the Ballycroy area residents.



  1. General Store, post office and hotel
  2. Barn and shop north of general store
  3. Small’s Hotel
  4. Fehely Hotel and saloon
  5. Driveshed for Fehely Hotel
  6. House foundation
  7. House foundation
  8. Blacksmith shop
  9. Liberal Church then Orange Lodge #185
  10. Methodist Church and Orange Lodge
  11. Fair grounds and race track
  12. Pettit cabin
  13. Beamish Hotel
  14. Beatty Mills and mill pond
  15. McMaster Tavern
  16. Henry Pettit (1856-98) farmer
  17. John Curran (1812-84)
  18. Denis Noonan (1832-80) solicitor
  19. John Crisp, farmer
  20. Brick house (built c. 1880 and still in use)
  21. Scott house
  22. Ryan Hotel
  23. John Curry
  24. Squire Wallace
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